
Sigrid Brut

Andersen Winery

Year: NV | Country: Denmark | Volume: 75cl | ABV: 11% | Food Match: Light meat dishes, Poultry, Seafood

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Product Details

Code: ANDE001

Sigrid is a dry sparkling apple wine. Sigrid is made from late harvested Danish Ingrid Marie, Jonagold and Belle De Boskoop apples. In the Nordic climate, apples have optimal conditions. The temperature differences between the cool nights and the long bright days give the apple a long ripening time, which develops a fantastic aroma and a completely unique acid profile. The must is fermented over the winter at low temperature, after which the wine is fermented a second time in a bottle. Stores a minimum of 24 months before release.

Sigrid is served chilled and is recommended as a different and exquisite aperitif or as a perfect accompaniment to dishes with fish, seafood, poultry and light meat.

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