
10YO White Port


Year: NV | Country: Portugal | Region: Douro | Volume: 75cl | Grape: Viosinho, Cddega de Larinho, Rabigato | ABV: 20%

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Product Details

Code: PBLA008

George Blackett, born in the city of Leeds, established himself in Oporto in the 19thcentury as a merchant of Port wines. His positioning within the industry allowed him to make a remarkable progress, featuring in the Top 5 of the biggest traders of the century. Blackett, under the guidance of Alchemy Wines, maintains sustainable vineyard practices, demonstrating profound respect for the indigenous grape varieties and the unique terroir of the Douro Valley. The region's rugged terrain calls for manual vineyard management, fostering a balanced relationship between the land and the winemaking process.

Wine with an average age of 10 years. This White Port is made from the same grapes as the white Extra Dry, but with sense of a completely different expression in the taste. The taste is full-bodied and slightly creamy with a hint of almonds and apricot. Serve it slightly chilled at a temperature of approx. 8-10ºC.

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